Life with Braces

Though it is often associated with childhood, orthodontic treatment can be used to correct misaligned teeth at nearly all ages and stages of life. Our goal is to help our patients achieve the smiles they have always dreamed of in the most comfortable, fast, and effective way possible.Our friendly and competent staff is dedicated to patient comfort and quality care. We provide the best and latest in orthodontic technology and treatment options. We provide gentle and effective care to both children and adults in our Woodland Hills office.





Two Phase Treatment

There are orthodontic advantages to treating certain cases in two separate stages. The goal of the Phase I treatment is to develop well-oriented jaws, healthy bones and gums, and adequate room for permanent teeth. Children sometimes exhibit early signs of jaw problems as they grow and develop. For example, an upper or lower jaw that is growing too much or not enough can benefit from early orthodontic treatment. Crowded jaws can also benefit from early observation and treatment. This early correction can prevent the removal of permanent teeth due to excessive overbite or overcrowding. If you believe a problem exists, you are most likely correct in your assessment.The treatment length for Phase I is generally 6-12 months long.

Generally, we use a growth-modifying appliance for skeletal problems, limiting the need for braces, to create necessary space for patients between 8-12 years of age. In our practice, approximately 25 percent of patients evaluated between these ages undergo early treatment. Our goals for these cases are:

  • Influence jaw growth in a positive manner
  • Improve the width of the dental arches
  • Reduce/eliminate the need to extract permanent teeth
  • Reduce/eliminate the need for jaw surgery
  • Mitigate the risk of trauma to (or breakage of) protruding front teeth
  • Correct harmful oral habits
  • Improve facial aesthetics, which translate to higher self-esteem
  • Simplify and shorten treatment time for Phase II
  • Improve speech development
  • Improve the position of erupting teeth
  • Preserve or create more space for erupting teeth
  • Guide permanent teeth into more favorable position(s)
  • Improve lip competence, keeping the lips together
  • Take advantage of increased orthodontic compliance before the busy teenage years

During Phase II treatment, our goal is to position all of the permanent teeth to maximize their appearance and improve their functional integrity. This is best accomplished by placing braces on all of the upper and lower teeth. The treatment length for Phase II is generally 12-18 months long.



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